Our first class of Pre-K4 students began in the fall of 2019! This expansion gave us a wonderful opportunity to welcome young Saints into our academic environment and to begin their important fundamental educational journey with us. Through an education centered model including prayer, learning and play, we strive to bring the very best school experience to our youngest saints.
The Pre-K4 program has a total of 60 students at this time. Acceptance to the Pre-K4 will be offered according to the admissions guidelines as outlined on the St. Mary’s website.
There will be 1 full-time Maryland State Certified Early Elementary Teacher and 1 full-time Instructional Assistant and 1 part-time Instructional Assistant in each Pre-K4 classroom.
The Pre-K4 Program is an all-day program with school hours of 7:45 a.m. - 2:45 p.m. Pre-K4 students will also have an option for after-school care until 5:30 p.m. Please share your interest in a half-day Pre-K program on your application for admission.