• Funeral PIc




We offer condolences on the loss of your loved one. We realize this is a difficult time, and want to be a source of assistance and support. Please call the Rectory Office and we will help you through the planning process.  Funerals are held in St. Mary's Church or St. John Neumann Church; no other locations on the property are allowed. Funerals are scheduled at 9:00 am or 10:30 am in both churches. On days when school is in session, funerals may not be held in St. Mary's Church.  

Ministry to Families who Have Experienced Miscarriage

If you or someone you know is miscarrying or has miscarried and is in need of advice, spiritual support, a home visit, and/or burial and memorial, then please contact us at our helpline 410-547-3142 or holyinnocents@archbalt.org. Holy Innocents is a ministry of the Archdiocese of Baltimore, run by the Offices of Cemetery Management and Respect Life. For more information, visit: www.holyinnocentsbaltimore.org