• Campus Ministry Pics

      St Marys baccalaureate mass

Student Life
High School

Campus Ministry

Campus Ministry at St. Mary’s Catholic High School seeks to build a Christian community among the students and staff that is grounded in the Catholic tradition. It seeks to invite the school community to deepen their faith through Sacraments, retreats, prayer, service and social events. Campus Ministry welcomes and involves students of all faiths. For questions regarding our Campus Ministry program please send an email to campusministry@stmarysannapolis.org.

High School Retreats

St. Mary’s High School provides opportunities every year for each grade to learn more about their faith and to reconnect with God. Retreats provide an opportunity for students to step away from their everyday life and to “unplug” in order to allow them to grow in faith, learn about themselves and others, and be reminded of the ways in which they are called to be Saints.

St. Mary’s provides an obligatory retreat for students in their Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior years as well as an optional experience Senior year. St. Mary’s also offers faculty retreats. 

List of 4 items.

  • Freshman Retreat

    The Freshman class participates in a retreat with the theme of “Welcoming you where you are!” and focuses on meeting students as a member of the St. Mary’s community no matter what their faith background is.

    Through talks and presentations by students, staff, and priests, the Freshmen delve more deeply into the history of St. Mary’s, specifically that of our founders, the Redemptorists and the School Sisters of Notre Dame; the meaning of faith; and how to get involved in the St. Mary’s community to make the most of their four years here.

    The rest of the day is filled with intentional community time and games, and students attend daily Mass with the parish. 

    The retreat takes place at St. John Neumann and is a wonderful opportunity for students to get to know their classmates and the community they have just become a part of.

    The retreat is planned and led by a retreat team of upperclassmen students, the Campus Minister, Guidance Department, Freshman Teachers, Faculty Members, and the High School Chaplain.
  • Sophomore Retreat

    The Sophomore class continues their retreat experience at St. Mary’s with the theme “Called to Be a Saint.” The sophomore class heads over to St. John Neumann Church for a day-long retreat full of talks, prayer, music, games, small groups, journaling, and Mass!

    On their retreat, the students dive deeper into exploring their Faith with a focus on the saints and their lives. 

    The retreat is planned and led by a retreat team of students as well as the Campus Minister, Guidance Department, Sophomore Teachers, Faculty Members, and the High School Chaplain.
  • Junior Retreat

    The Junior class attends a two day, overnight retreat which they spend exploring three questions key to the faith life:
    “Who am I?”
    “Who am I in relationship with others?”
    “Who am I in relationship with Christ?”

    It is a packed two days where students will explore who Christ is in their lives and who they are while also getting to know their classmates and Christ on a more personal level.

    They will experience Mass, the Sacrament of Reconciliation, listen to talks on the themes of the retreat, participate in small group discussions about the talks, and have fun playing games!

    The Junior class returns to the halls of St. Mary’s after having received a breath of fresh air -- united as a class and ready to lead our school closer to Christ in all that they do.

    The retreat is planned and led by Senior students, the Campus Minister, Guidance Department, Junior Teachers, Faculty Members, and the High School Chaplain.
  • Senior Retreat - Kairos

    Kairos is a national retreat program rooted in tradition.

    Students will first have the opportunity to attend Kairos during their Junior year. If they attend their Junior year they can lead Kairos their Senior year for their Senior classmates. Students who did not attend Junior year will have two opportunities to attend Senior year and then to lead the retreat for their classmates or the next Junior class.

    Kairos means “God’s Time.” It is a chance for students to get away from the normal hustle and bustle of everyday life while intentionally seeking out the presence of God and growing a relationship with Him. It provides opportunities for students to share their own stories as they journey towards Christ. 

    Participants are invited to reflect on their own faith journey and to begin to deepen their spiritual lives. Conversation, prayer, social activities, Mass, sacraments, and community reflection allow for a powerful and enriching retreat experience.

    This student-led, overnight retreat is assisted by the Campus Minister, the Guidance Department, Teachers and Faculty Members, and the High School Chaplain.
    • CM Retreat Pics

    • CM Retreat Pics

    • CM Retreat Pics