News Detail

Faith in Action for Catholic Schools Week

At the Life Day Mass, Father Alistar and Father Vang urged St. Mary’s students to show respect for all human lives – because we are all sons and daughters of God!

One way to bring that message to life is by giving back to those less fortunate. As part of Catholic Schools Week, students in St. Mary’s High School have the opportunity to take part in service projects. One such project came about during a Mass where Fr. Vang told students about his mission work in Vietnam with the Viet Toc Foundation (NYCT, or "Links of Love").  NYCT works with the marginalized in Vietnam, including the poor, the homeless, and those with leprosy (Hansen's Disease).

Recognizing a need to help, SMHS students, along with teachers Matt Martelli and Elizabeth Conlon, worked with Father Vang to collect funds to support NYCT's work among the Montagnard people and in missions serving those with Hansen's disease (formerly known as leprosy).

“I felt called to donate and be obedient to God's call,” says Conlon.

Students were asked to make a gift of $10 to support the Links of Love / Viet Toc Foundation. That donation can provide food for a family for a week, as well as support other educational, medical, and conservation initiatives.

The work was even more meaningful for one SMHS student. “I'm Vietnamese, so I know my donation could help people where my family lives," said SMHS junior Catherine T. ’23.

In total, students collected $5,012.50.

"Your caring contributions mean the world to [our Montagnard sisters and brothers], not only easing their pain, but also letting them know that we do care and are sharing our gifts with them. They are not abandoned. We are family, in Christ," says Father Vang, who founded The Viet Toc Foundation in 1998 with the goal to help ethnic children in their education and to educate others on helping to improve the lives of people in the Central Highlands.

“People in the Central Highlands have been poor for many generations,” says Father Vang. “To change their destiny, education is the main thing. The Viet Toc Foundation wants to bring education back to the village, from elementary school to university to graduation.”

To learn how you can support Father Vang’s mission visit, The Viet Toc Foundation website (click the "English" button in the upper right to translate). 