News Detail

Saints Serving Others: Jen Fox, St. Mary’s Alumni Class of 2008

Jen Fox, an alumni of St. Mary’s Elementary and St. Mary’s High School, has been living in New York City for the past five years, serving as a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) nurse at New York Presbyterian/Columbia University Medical Center—Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital. Due to the coronavirus pandemic and the overwhelming need for additional health care workers in the city, Jen’s PICU care unit was recently transitioned to an adult intensive care unit to assist in caring for those most in need.
While the change is difficult and the work of caring for so many critically ill patients is daunting, Jen is still positive, noting that her unit has done an amazing job caring for these patients. The community surrounding her is also encouraging her and her colleagues. “It’s a really special time in New York City right now,” Jen said. “Every night at seven, everyone in the city comes out on their balconies and cheers for the change of shift. It gives me goosebumps every time.”
When asked how she felt St. Mary’s prepared her for this unique and challenging time in her life, she said, “going to a Catholic school helped me to think of others and gave me a sense of what a strong community is—which is exactly the type of community we nurses have. Everyone collaborating together for the greater good and this pandemic has proved that even more.”
St. Mary’s Parish and School is thinking of all our alumni and community members who are serving on the front lines across the country to keep us safe. If you are a Saint serving others during this critical time, please share your story with us at  