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Sacristan Ministry

Sacristans assist the clergy and the assembly of faith in the Eucharistic celebrations and other liturgical celebrations. Sacristan ministry is a time-honored ministry throughout our Catholic history.

The duties of the Sacristan are carried out under the direction of the Director of Liturgy for St. Mary’s Parish, which includes St. Mary's Church and St. John Neumann Mission Church. Sacristans assist in the preparation of the sanctuary for the liturgical celebration and in the coordination of the various ministries assisting. Although the responsibilities are varied, the importance of the sacristan ministry cannot be understated. The Vatican II documents state, “The liturgy is not an ‘extra’, something nice that may give us good feelings. It is our life, our very spirit. It is the source of our identity and renewal as a Church”. The sacristan ministry assists the assembly in celebrating this life with Christ and thus enabling the liturgy to “flow properly.”